Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Capsys News Letter - Lean Thinking

Konichiwa Mina-san! The company I am working for is doing great things in the Brooklyn Navy Yard of New York City and thought I would include an excerpt from another blog I am doing through this company (Capsyscorp) and attach a link so you can check it out. The blog is about Capsys Building News.  

Lean Thinking

With Capsys adopting Kaizen and Lean Manufacturing into its Manufacturing line, one cannot help but think of a famous quote by Shigeo Shingo, “The most dangerous kind of waste is the waste we do not recognize.” One can locate waste in many different departments in any organization by asking the simple question, “Does this add value?” If it does not, it is waste and must be discarded. 
Waste or “Muda”, as it is called in Lean Manufacturing, is everywhere and it starts in the system/program that is responsible for everything. When designing an inventory system, production line, supply chain, production process, schedule, site management, quality control system, one must be cognizant of each step in the process because each step is magnified through time and it either focuses or folds to its pressure.  
Starting in February of 2011, Capsys has adopted this kind of Lean thinking and has enjoyed great success in its manufacturing line by nearly doubling its production efficiency in a little over 5 months while controlling costs by changing to a Kanban, pull-type Supply Chain. Its yields have also been increasing due to a more proactive quality control system that locates causes of problems versus just trying to catch after the fact defects.
On June 27th, 2011, Capsys welded its first Chassis for phase III of the Nehemiah Spring Creek Townhouse Project. In concurrency, Capsys is setting the Hanac Bathroom Pods, putting the finishing touches on the Ashburton and McDougal Projects, and starting erection of the Victory Blvd projects in early August of 2011.
Bringing these individual systems and projects together in an interconnected system of continuous improvement makes Capsys poised for a strong finish to 2011 and a stronger beginning to 2012. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like a tour of our construction manufacturing plant in New York City.

Check out the Capsys Website and Blog at  and

Let me know if you want to see it for yourself. 

Ja Matta Ne!! 

My next blog will be on Inventory and Supply Chain Management (Sorry about the delay)

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